Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Director’s Corner
by Dr. Steven RogelbergFirst, let me welcome readers to the inaugural issue of The Organizational Scientist. This informative and dynamic forum will be a great way to stay abreast of key program events and news.
Second, I would like to welcome our newest cohort of doctoral students to the Organizational Science program. We are thrilled to have you here. As reported in this newsletter, these are exciting times in the program for many reasons.
Third, as we move into our fifth year of existence since being approved by the State of North Carolina, I want to take a moment and give thanks. I want to thank our terrific set of 13 engaged core faculty, your efforts and dedication make this program possible. I want to thank the Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Dean Nancy Gutierrez) and the Dean of the Belk College of Business (Dean Joseph Mazzola) for their continual dedication to nurturing and supporting the program. I would like to thank all of our financial sponsors both internal and external to the program who continue, despite the economy, to generously support us as they believe in the importance of our interdisciplinary mission to meaningfully understand and work to improve employee and organizational health, well-being, and effectiveness. I want to thank our diverse set of research partners from Bank of America, to the Center for Creative Leadership, to TIAA-CREF, to the Charlotte Fire Department, to the Humane Society of the United States.
Finally, I want to thank our students. I truly could not imagine a better set of individuals. Your intelligence, motivation, energy, engagement, ethical fiber, thirst to grow, and passion for the program leaves me in awe.
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