Thursday, January 28, 2010
Upcoming Events of Note
by Ben Baran
The following lists upcoming events of note for Organizational Science faculty, staff, and students that were submitted as requested to newsletter staff. A request will be sent via e-mail later in the semester for input regarding the event listing for the newsletter’s next issue.
The complete UNC Charlotte Academic Calendar—with important dates regarding classes, holidays, exams, and more for the next five years—is available online.
9: Current Topics: This session will feature “Insights into the Academic Hiring Process,” which is designed to familiarize students with the academic hiring processes across disciplines within organizational science, and is set for 12:30 to 1:45 p.m., in the Colvard Building, Room 4068. All faculty members are welcome to attend; however, their attendance is not required unless they are among those who have been invited to serve as panelists.
11: The Charlotte Chapter of the International Society for Performance Improvement will host Allison Rossett, Ph.D., for a program titled “First Things Fast: Analysis as the Basis for Performance Improvement.” The program will kick off at 5:30 p.m. on campus at UNC Charlotte. Details and registration are online.
19: The spring meeting of the North Carolina Industrial/Organizational Psychologists (NCIOP) is set to take place in Raleigh, N.C. Tammy Allen, Ph.D., from the University of South Florida will be one of the speakers. More information will be forthcoming from NCIOP leadership.
23: Student Meeting with Dr. Steven Rogelberg, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Colvard Building, Graduate Lounge.
26: The Department of Sociology will host guest speaker Jason Beckfield from Harvard University, who will speak on “Regionalization and Retrenchment: The Impact of European Integration on the Welfare State.” The talk is tentatively scheduled to begin at noon; check with members of the department for details.
1: The Organizational Science Advisory Board will meet at 10 a.m. in the Colvard Building, Room 4063. All advisory board members should attend; guests are welcome.
2: Current Topics: This session will feature “Making the Business Translation” and is set for 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. in the Colvard Building, Room 4068. A practitioner will participate in a discussion about a practical problem the organization is facing, and participants are invited to offer feedback.
22: Organizational Science faculty meeting. All organizational science faculty members and interested organizational science affiliates are invited to attend. The meeting is set for 10 a.m. in the Department of Sociology’s conference room, located on the fourth floor of the Fretwell Building.
26: The Department of Sociology will host guest speaker Willie Jasso from New York University. The talk is tentatively scheduled to begin at noon; check with members of the department for details.
TBD: Current Topics: This session will feature student research presentations. The exact date and time are to be determined. Students will use this opportunity to gather feedback and to practice for upcoming presentations at conferences. This session will likely coincide with recruitment weekend, to facilitate including prospective students.
5: The Organizational Science Advisory Board will meet at 10 a.m. in the Colvard Building, Room 4063. All advisory board members should attend; guests are welcome.
6: Student Meeting with Dr. Steven Rogelberg, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Colvard Building, Graduate Lounge.
9: The Department of Sociology will host guest speaker Ronald Rindfuss from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The talk is tentatively scheduled to begin at noon; check with members of the department for details.
13: Current Topics: This session will feature “The Last Slide,” a commemorative session during with fourth-year students present their “last slide,” or one slide highlighting their most significant learning and achievements during graduate school. The session is set for 12:30-1:45 p.m. in the Colvard Building, Room 4068. Additionally, visiting scholars from Switzerland will be on campus for an informal discussion about organizational science doctoral education in Europe. More details will be forthcoming.
22 or 23: Sarah Tracy, an organizational communication scholar from Arizona State University, will be on campus for a talk about her research, which includes work-life balance, emotional labor, and employee emotional abuse. More information about Tracy is online.
30: The Department of Sociology will host guest speaker Saylor Breckenridge from Wake Forest University. The talk is tentatively scheduled to begin at noon; check with members of the department for details.
3: Organizational Science faculty meeting. All organizational science faculty members, interested organizational science affiliates, and a graduate student representative are invited to attend. The meeting is set for 10 a.m. in the Department of Sociology’s conference room, located on the fourth floor of the Fretwell Building.
4: Student Meeting with Dr. Steven Rogelberg, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Colvard Building, Graduate Lounge.
15: Commencement
Annual Meetings and Associated Deadlines
A number of conferences within the organizational-science domain occur or have proposal deadlines during the first half of the calendar year. Some of the organizations listed below do not have specific information regarding proposals posted on their Web sites, so be sure to check those sites frequently for the latest information.
17: National Communication Association annual conference proposals due (watch for forthcoming details here).
20: UNC Charlotte Graduate Research Across the Disciplines fair, Charlotte, N.C.
8-10: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology annual conference, Atlanta, Ga. (details).
10: Southern Management Association annual conference proposals due (watch for forthcoming details here).
21-25: Southern Sociological Society annual conference, Atlanta, Ga. (details)
22-26: International Communication Association annual conference, Singapore (details).
6-10: Academy of Management conference, Montréal, Canada. (details)
14-17: American Sociological Association conference, Atlanta, Ga. (details)
27-30: Southern Management Association conference, St. Pete Beach, Fla.
14-17: National Communication Association conference, San Francisco, Calif.
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