Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Alumni Corner: Joseph Allen
by Logan Justice

When did you graduate?
December 2010
What is your current job role and where?
Assistant Professor, Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Assistant Editor, Journal of Business and Psychology
Department of Psychology
Creighton University
What are your greatest memories of OS?
Working with various faculty members and realizing how much they care about the success of the students. They don’t get enough credit for working with the students or for the amount of time and energy they put into the students. Because of their support, I could go to any of them with questions and they were all very helpful.
In reflecting back, what are the top three things you are taking away from the program?
1. Continued collaboration with OS faculty.
2. The teaching experience I was allowed to have while at UNCC and having a faculty mentor to guide me thru that process. Being exposed to that in a more supportive environment helped me be more prepared for my role at Creighton. It helped prepare me for dealing with students and teaching.
3. Making time to help others around you. If someone, at some point, hadn’t taken an interest in me, I would not be where I am today. The faculty and students in the OS program tend to keep an eye out for those who they can help and serve. I’m in essence trying to give back to the institution and process that helped me get here.
What advice do you have for new students on how to succeed in graduate school?
Work, work, work! There is no satisfactory substitute, especially as a grad-student. Thankfully, my wife and daughters were very supportive. I could work long hours and they were always there telling me to keep going and get it done. Also, “Celebrate the victories by climbing the next mountain.” Every time you achieve something don’t just sit there and think about how wonderful you are. Take a little time to enjoy the moment but keep on task. It is a marathon. If you don’t keep on task you will never get it done.
What job search tips do you have for current students?
First, please recognize I can only speak to the academic side of the job search. However, don’t be too picky at first in terms of the jobs you apply for. Although you should be selective to within a particular field (Management, I/O, Org. Comm., or Sociology), you also need to be open to opportunities you might not have considered before. Due to the publication lag, you MUST begin working with a professor during your first semester on publishable projects. It could take up to 3 or 4 years to be published and being published is very important. For example: I applied for 30+ jobs in the summer of 2009 with no publications and a lot of things under review. No one (absolutely, no one) wanted to talk to me at conferences or over the phone. However, in October 2009, I had 5 manuscripts go to “in press”. I then sent another 13 applications with this new information and received several interviews, invites, visits, etc. The only difference in my CV was the publications. Everything else, (e.g. teaching experience, dissertation progress, conference submissions, internships, consulting, etc.) was the same.
What about for preparation for going on the job market?
1. Publish or Perish
2. Gain teaching experience
3. Learn about the job search process in your first year
4. Keep track of everything you do
5. Get your vita started (look at examples of peers)
6. Be optimistic…OS students are seeing some real successes in a bad job market
Working with various faculty members and realizing how much they care about the success of the students. They don’t get enough credit for working with the students or for the amount of time and energy they put into the students. Because of their support, I could go to any of them with questions and they were all very helpful.
In reflecting back, what are the top three things you are taking away from the program?
1. Continued collaboration with OS faculty.
2. The teaching experience I was allowed to have while at UNCC and having a faculty mentor to guide me thru that process. Being exposed to that in a more supportive environment helped me be more prepared for my role at Creighton. It helped prepare me for dealing with students and teaching.
3. Making time to help others around you. If someone, at some point, hadn’t taken an interest in me, I would not be where I am today. The faculty and students in the OS program tend to keep an eye out for those who they can help and serve. I’m in essence trying to give back to the institution and process that helped me get here.
What advice do you have for new students on how to succeed in graduate school?
Work, work, work! There is no satisfactory substitute, especially as a grad-student. Thankfully, my wife and daughters were very supportive. I could work long hours and they were always there telling me to keep going and get it done. Also, “Celebrate the victories by climbing the next mountain.” Every time you achieve something don’t just sit there and think about how wonderful you are. Take a little time to enjoy the moment but keep on task. It is a marathon. If you don’t keep on task you will never get it done.
What job search tips do you have for current students?
First, please recognize I can only speak to the academic side of the job search. However, don’t be too picky at first in terms of the jobs you apply for. Although you should be selective to within a particular field (Management, I/O, Org. Comm., or Sociology), you also need to be open to opportunities you might not have considered before. Due to the publication lag, you MUST begin working with a professor during your first semester on publishable projects. It could take up to 3 or 4 years to be published and being published is very important. For example: I applied for 30+ jobs in the summer of 2009 with no publications and a lot of things under review. No one (absolutely, no one) wanted to talk to me at conferences or over the phone. However, in October 2009, I had 5 manuscripts go to “in press”. I then sent another 13 applications with this new information and received several interviews, invites, visits, etc. The only difference in my CV was the publications. Everything else, (e.g. teaching experience, dissertation progress, conference submissions, internships, consulting, etc.) was the same.
What about for preparation for going on the job market?
1. Publish or Perish
2. Gain teaching experience
3. Learn about the job search process in your first year
4. Keep track of everything you do
5. Get your vita started (look at examples of peers)
6. Be optimistic…OS students are seeing some real successes in a bad job market
Alumni Corner,
Spring 2011
Alumni Corner: Heather Gordon
by Logan Justice

When did you graduate?
June 2010
What is your current job role and where?
Bank of America
Leadership Development Consultant
Leadership Assessment & Talent Analytics
Enterprise Leadership Development
Leadership Development Consultant
Leadership Assessment & Talent Analytics
Enterprise Leadership Development
What are your greatest memories of OS?
It would be the group sessions with all the students and faculty together where we would all share ideas regarding research topics. I heardsuch diverse perspectives on topics I wasn’t very familiar with and began thinking of things in different ways than what I was used to.
In reflecting back, what are the top three things you have taken away from the program?
1. The ability to do both qualitative and quantitative statistics analysis. It is something I do on a daily basis within my current role.
2. The ability to work with people with very different perspectives and learn to be open to very different ideas.
3. The ability to present and communicate both in writing and verbally.
What advice do you have for new students on how to succeed in graduate school?
Be open to new opportunities. Understand the way you think and feel today may not be the case later. Be open to change. Reach out if you are having any issues. There is always someone there to assist or offer you guidance.
What job search tips do you have for current students?
Network! Use your years in the program to attend conferences and network with individuals. Also find local events and chapters for networking. Make sure you get out there and tell people what you do within the program, what you are learning, whatyou can bring to an organization or school and why the OS program sets youapart from other candidates.
What about for preparation for going in the job market?
Do your research on the organizations or schools you are interested in, just like you would for a research paper. Use due diligence from the very beginning. Understand what issues the organization is facing or what sets it apart from others so that you are fully prepared as you go into the interview.
Alumni Corner,
Spring 2011
Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Eric Heggestad
by Logan Justice
What is your current job role at UNC Charlotte?
Director, I/O Psychology Masters Program Associate Professor of Psychology Associate Professor of Organizational Science.
Tell me a bit about yourself before you became a professor.
In graduate school I received a fellowship from the Air Force to finish my degree. Upon completion of my degree I went to work at the Air Force Research Laboratory in San Antonio, TX. The funding for the lab was cut 7 months after I began, and I was out of a job. Luckily, I found a job at a consulting firm in Washington, DC. I really enjoyed that work and stayed there for two years. But, eventually I wanted to get back into research and I was lucky enough to be offered a position at Colorado State University. I stayed there for 5 years. Then came the opportunity to come to UNCC and be part of a new PhD program. What a cool opportunity – who could have passed that up? This is my 6th academic year here.
Why did you decide to become a professor?
It was something that knew I wanted to do since grad school. I looked at the opportunity to work for the Air Force Research Lab as a kind of post-doctoral position. It was a place I could go and do a lot of research and write lots of papers. I really thought that this would help me get a great academic position. I have always enjoyed the research aspect of my job.
What advice do you have for graduate students on how to get the most out of graduate school (to succeed in graduate school)?
Maintain a good balance between student life and personal life. I remember while in Grad School it was easy to become immersed in student life with all of the reading, paper writing, and research expectations and to forget that a personal life existed as well. Remember to exercise and take time for fun and build relationships.
What do you most like about being part of the OS program?
What do you most like about being part of the OS program?
The students are fantastic! I am impressed every day by the quality of students we have in the program. It was my expectation starting a new PhD program that we might have to build a reputation and that it might take a while to attract quality students. However, we have had fantastic students from the day one. They provide energy and are so inspiring. They keep me on my toes. I love the interdisciplinary aspects of the program. As I have become familiar with the other disciplines in the program, talked with others and begin to connect, I feel like I’m learning so much which is really cool. I love the fact we can approach problems from so many different angles and different ways. When we bring all of the disciplines together it becomes really powerful.
What is the coolest project that you are currently working on?
What is the coolest project that you are currently working on?
I’m beginning some analysis for research I’m working on with Dr. Rogelberg. We are looking at how relationships between the variables being studied can be influenced by who does and who doesn’t participate in a survey. We know what non-response does to the mean level of the variables but so much about what it does to the relationship between them. I’m working on a project with a faculty member from Ohio State University. We are looking at how to reduce self presentation bias or faking on a personality test. We are looking at a strategy asking people to re-take the test if we believed they faked or cheated the first time. Adrian, one of my graduate students, and I are thinking about some changes to how assessments centers are implemented and scored. I am excited about this idea. Dr. Shanock and I have applied for a grant with the Army. The proposal examines issues of leadership; specifically how the degree of similarity in a leaders’ self perceptions and the perceptions of his or her followers impacts leadership outcomes.
Faculty Spotlight,
Spring 2011
Monday, December 13, 2010
Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Shawn Long
by Logan Justice and Daniel Bonilla
In this issue Dr. Shawn Long, Chair for the Department of Communication Studies, is in the faculty spotlight.
What is your current job role at UNC Charlotte?
I am the Chair for the Department of Communication Studies and I am an Associate Professor in Organizational Communication.
Tell me a bit about yourself before you became a professor.
I grew up in Harlan KY, a small rural community in Southeastern Kentucky, TN State - UG & Master in Public Administration.
Why did you decide to become a professor?
While attending TN State as a grad assistant in the Honors Program, I was asked to substitute for a professor who was traveling to a conference. I was charged with creating an entire session for that particular course, Intercultural Communication. It was this experience where I “caught the teaching bug” and decided that I enjoyed the art and practice of teaching.
What advice do you have for graduate students on how to get the most out of graduate school (to succeed in graduate school)?
1. Take advantage of courses that centrally interests them as well as courses that will provide them with skills that are transferrable beyond their matriculation.
2. Be a part of any grant projects, if possible, to understand the nuances of grant work. This is quite valuable in that you may be expected to fund your research.
3. Continue or start reading trade publications and newspapers about issues organizations are currently struggling with. Avoid the ivory tower mind set by engaging in problems and circumstances facing organizations on a daily basis.
4. Be nimble and open in understanding organizational issues. This is where the interdisciplinary training will really come in hand.
What do you most like about being part of the OS program?
Exciting Leadership – Steven Rogelberg has done a phenomenal job at molding the program into what is becoming not just a local but, a national player in many regards. His excitement is contagious.
The outstanding and authentically dedicated faculty working in OS. I really enjoy hanging out with them interpersonally and we get to discuss neat and interesting projects as a by-product of our continuous engagement.
The students- We have some of the best graduate students around. I have found “their level of maturity extraordinary and they care deeply about this program.” Although the program is extremely competitive to get into and requires an extreme amount of focus and dedication, OS is such a highly humane graduate program for students and faculty.
The concern faculty have in student success makes the program such a benchmark. OS is a good academic neighbor and academic citizen. Additionally, the research OS Faculty are fascinating, contemporary and just cool.
What is the coolest project that you are currently working on?
I am very excited about my scholarship on virtual work. I just published a book on communication, relationships and practices in virtual work and recently received a contract for my next book on virtual work research methodologies. Finally, I am super excited about my continuous work with OS students, particularly with Sharon Doerer on examining diversity communication on corporate websites.
Faculty Spotlight,
Spring 2011
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The OS Program Welcomes The Incoming Class Of 2010
by Logan JusticeHometown: Lindsay hails from Harrisonburg, Virginia and is a huge VA Tech football fan.
Prior education and experience: Lindsay has 2 of her degrees from VA Tech, hence the football passion. She got her BA in Finance, and her Masters in Career and Technical Education. She also has an MBA from James Madison University.
Research interests: Lindsay’s research interests include leadership and organizational behavior; though she qualifies this statement saying “I know that is probably going to change ten times.” Many of her interests stem from working as an accountant for a year and a half prior to coming to UNC Charlotte where she had firsthand experience in the business world.
GA assignments 2009-2010: Her GA assignments for the upcoming year are with Dr. Shanock in the I/O psychology department and Dr. Loril Gossett in the communications department.
Other: Lindsay has one older and one younger sister, and moved to Charlotte with her boyfriend of 10 years (High school sweethearts!). She loves traveling and has even climbed the Great Wall of China.
Name: Zoa Ordoñez
Hometown: Zoa grew up in Tegucigalpa, Honduras where she lived up until going to college. She still visits home as much as she can.
Prior education and experience: Zoa went to the University of Central Arkansas where she got her BA in Psychology and was one of our Organizational Science Summer Institute (OSSI) Fellows in 2009
Research interests: She doesn’t know right now whether she plans to go into research or practice after graduate school, however, her main interests include volunteering, expatriate research, and immigrant work.
GA assignments 2009-2010: Zoa will work with two professors in the sociology department this upcoming year: Wei Zhou and Beth Rubin.
Other: Like Miller, Zoa loves to travel and would “love to spend a summer abroad if possible.” Also, she mentions that “I have to take weekend trips whenever I can. I feel suffocated if I am in one place for too long.” She also speaks fluent Spanish and some French and Italian. On a typical weekend night you will probably find her tearing up the dance floors (she is an expert Salsa dancer) or catching a foreign film.

Name: Paul Schmidt
Hometown: Paul is from Latham, New York.
Prior education and experience: Paul got his BA at SUNY Albany and worked for The Golub Corporation (Price Chopper) as an HR Compensation Analyst for a few years before coming to Charlotte.
Research interests: Most of Paul’s research interests center around leadership. He is interested in leadership and its impact on employee attitudes, performance, and satisfaction as well has how leader traits and behaviors affect organizational culture and development.
GA assignments 2009-2010: Paul will conduct research with OS Program Director, Dr. Steven Rogelberg and will also have an applied assistantship with the CIO on campus.
Other: Paul has one older sister and his whole family is from upstate NY. He actually worked in Dr. Shanock’s lab at SUNY Albany before coming to Charlotte. He is an avid bowler (he has already found a league in Charlotte) and scored a perfect game on multiple occasions. He loves winter sports in general, especially snowboarding– “though there aren’t any good places to ski around here.” He used to have a band in high school and plays the bass guitar and keeps up with the local music scene. Paul also has completed a marathon without training– “and I haven’t run since!”

Name: Jane Shumski
Hometown: Jane hails from Pittsburgh PA, and is a passionate Penn State football pan.
Prior education and experience: Jane got her BA in psychology from Penn State University and went on to work as an Employee Relations Specialist for a few years before deciding to head back to grad school.
Research interests: Jane definitely plans to pursue a career in Academia, stating “after my experience in the business world, I knew that just wasn’t the right fit for me.” Her main interests include emotion management, moral and ethical decision making, job stress, and employee well-being.
GA assignments 2009-2010: Jane will have a Research Assistantship with Dr. Janaki Gooty in the management department as well as an applied GA with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) on campus.
Other: Jane has one older and one younger brother and spent this summer working, taking trips to Chicago to catch some of her favorite bands, and heading to the beach with her mom. Her boyfriend of 5 years, Pat, moved down with her from Pittsburgh this past summer. She loves Indie music, and some of her favorite artists include LCD Soundsystem and Spoon, though she loves live music in general. Also, she admits being “obsessed with all Bravo TV shows: The Real Housewives, Top Chef, Project Runway, you name it!”

Name: Oscar (Jerome) Stewart
Hometown: Stewart grew up in Minneapolis (The Twin Cities more specifically), Minnesota and this is his first major move outside the state.
Prior education and experience: Jerome attended the University of Minnesota where he obtained dual bachelors degrees in Finance and African American History. Similar to some of the others, Jerome went to work right after graduation where he was an insurance underwriter for Traveler’s Insurance for a few years prior to grad school.
Research interests: Some of Jerome’s research interests include cultural and symbolic capital in the workplace as they relate to social mobility. He is also very interested in research on power and status in organizations and plans to “become Professor Jerome” after graduate school.
GA assignments 2009-2010: Jerome will spend part of his GA working with the Graduate School on campus, and also work closely with Dr. Anita Blanchard in the I/O psychology department.
Other: Jerome loves basketball and mentioned “just come with me to a Bobcats game, especially if they are playing the Timberwolves. I will be on the edge of my seat and not talk the whole time.” He loves working with kids equally as much and was a youth basketball coach for several years which he plans to pursue again once the “craziness of starting Grad School settles down.” You can always catch him in the gym playing basketball or lifting weights.
In the past few weeks the students have been busy with meetings, moving, and getting accustomed to taking class again. However, everyone is very eager to learn and work with professors and students. As Lindsay states, “there are just so many things to choose from. I want to learn about everything!”
Fall 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Organizational Science’s First Exchange Student Completes Year with Program
by Joe AllenShe sought out opportunities to “Talk with professors and students to see their logic in approaching research questions.” Her motto was to “Not be shy and ask questions.” While attending various classes and activities, Ma had the opportunity to join or initiate several projects with current students at UNC Charlotte.
For example, she had an interest in studying emotional labor across cultural boundaries. This led her to collaborate with Joe Allen. They are currently working on a project looking at how emotional labor is manifested in the United States and China. Ma also connected with April Spivack and David Askay and is working on a project concerning abusive supervision in organizations.
And if that wasn’t enough work, Ma took time to develop a model for her dissertation, work on a few papers from her work at Renmin, publish one paper in a Chinese journal, and have a conference paper accepted to an international research conference in Moscow.
When asked about her experiences at UNC Charlotte, she said “American students are very patient. They always were kind and helped. My American friends are polite and seemingly empathetic to my needs.”
Even as Ma prepared to return to China, she couldn’t help but reflect on all the things she’s going to miss. “I will miss my colleagues the most. We had a good time and shared funny stories.” She also acquired a distinct affinity for American cuisine, saying “I will miss the food: macaroni and cheese, hamburgers, and pizza; and desserts like muffins, cookies, brownies, cakes, etc.”
Regarding her return to China, Ma said, “I want to stay longer to see what happens in the future. I want to be around you guys. I am really thankful to the Organizational Science program. This program is so, so, so nice. I am so, so, so happy when I am here. You guys are very, very, very helpful.”
In a letter to the program Jane wrote:
“It took me a while to get used to China. Beijing is very noisy and crowded compared to Charlotte. Even now I am still not used to it, like the bad traffic. I also saw my friends and family after my arrival. Of course, I ate a lot of authentic Chinese food.
“I was working on my dissertation and had my proposal defense on November 30. I am also working on a few projects, finished two Chinese papers … I also presented one paper at the fourth management conference in China. Now I really hope I can finish my dissertation in time. It is also a big task to apply for a job. I am working on it.
“Now I know SIOP [the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology] at Atlanta accepted one of my papers, so I am going to apply for the travel grant from my university. I am looking forward to attending SIOP in this coming April and see my dear friends there. I am also looking forward to seeing any of you guys in Beijing and show this capital city to you. Whenever I meet an American, it makes me think of you guys. I really miss you all.”
January 2010,
Top Story
Editor’s Note: New Features, Future Plans
by Ben Baran
For those of you still getting acclimated to this newsletter’s format, I encourage you to read this article for an explanation of its key features. Additionally, we have two new features in this edition.
- In the feature story on Jane Ma, you’ll see that we have included an embedded video. This is a feature that’s available expressly because of the newsletter’s online format, and we hope you enjoy it. We plan to incorporate more multimedia in future posts.
- You’ll notice a box on the right side of the page with the heading “Subscribe via e-mail.” I highly encourage all readers to type their e-mail address into the text field and click “subscribe.” You’ll then receive a confirmation e-mail, and once you activate your subscription, you’ll receive any updates to the Organizational Scientist in your e-mail. Please note that these updates will only occur when new material is posted and should never occur more than once a day (even if we posted 17 new articles every day, which we don’t).
Finally, two plans for the future are worth noting.
- It’s time to assemble a core team of writers for the next academic year. If you’d like to participate or have any questions about what that entails, please e-mail Daniel Bonilla, who will be next year’s editor-in-chief, at
- News happens regardless of publishing schedules. We deliberately chose to begin the Organizational Scientist as a periodic online publication, with all fresh content being delivered in large batches—much like a traditional newsletter. Now that we’re up and running with a dedicated editorial team, we are considering more frequent postings that are closer in time to when news occurs. Therefore, you may notice more frequent posts starting later this semester. This is yet another reason why you should strongly consider subscribing to the newsletter via e-mail as described above, as then you’ll know when new content is available.
Please thank the members of the editorial staff—Marisa Adelman, Joe Allen, Ashley Andrew, Daniel Bonilla, and Kate Frear—for their hard work when you have a chance, and I hope you enjoy this issue.
Ben Baran
Editor's Note,
January 2010
Research, Classes, and … Dodge Ball? OS Students Relieve Stress, Have Fun
by Kate FrearFor the first game, the OS team lined up to oppose the Industrial-Organizational Psychology Masters students. “They better watch out for Adrian,” said Askay, “I've watched him warm up, and he's got quite an arm on him.” As soon as the referee blew the whistle the team experienced an unexpected turn of events. Before any balls were thrown, Spivack took a blow to the face from opponent, Richard Louie. “We both ran for the ball, sprinting, then I leaned back but she fell forward,” said Louie, “and her nose hit the side of my head.” Spivack, who was unavailable for comment until after receiving medical attention, did not incur any serious injuries.
Without Spivack the OS team was forced to disband and play on mixed teams with graduate students outside the OS program. “The teams were randomly selected and everyone had fun with it,” said Berka, “most people just played for themselves after that.” When asked about the mixing of teams, Bonilla responded, “It gave me a chance to meet grad students in other programs so it wasn’t so bad.” He added, “I’ve got a lot going on—sometimes I just want throw a big red ball at someone, regardless of their affiliation.”
All team members were optimistic when asked about playing again next year. “Dodge ball, or any intramural event, is a good way to exercise, socialize, and get your mind off school for a bit,” said Berka, “I hope we do more events like this in the future.” Even Spivack said, “Yes! I would definitely play again!”
For the benefit of the non-dodge-ball-savvy OS students and grad students around the world, we would like to poll the readers for other de-stressor tips and ideas. So, please tell us your thoughts. What’s the best way to relieve stress during grad school? (Please post your thoughts below.)
January 2010,
Statistics at Work: An Interview with Dr. Scott Mondore
by Marisa Adelman
In addition to earning us a place in the scholarly ranks and helping us to get published in prominent journals, knowledge of complex statistical analyses and the ability to apply such knowledge to business problems can also earn us a spot in the hearts and minds of business leaders. As discussed by Dr. Scott Mondore, managing partner of Strategic Management Decisions (SMD), our statistical abilities can become a key differentiator in the competitive organizational consulting marketplace.
Dr. Mondore joined us on Tuesday, Oct. 27 to discuss the ways in which the statistical analyses we learn in the classroom can be translated into meaningful results and action items for today’s business leaders. The consulting solutions offered by SMD, the company that Dr. Mondore co-founded in January 2009, are grounded in statistical analyses designed to identify human capital drivers of key business outcomes. Specifically, Dr. Mondore and his business partner, Dr. Shane Douthitt, use structural equation modeling to identify relationships between employee data (e.g., performance ratings, training effectiveness, absenteeism, turnover) and the business outcomes that matter most to their clients (e.g., retention, reduced theft).
Based on the information gained through such analyses, Dr. Mondore and Dr. Douhitt are able to help organizations better prioritize their HR initiatives and invest in areas that will yield the greatest impact. I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Mondore following his presentation to dig a little deeper into his experiences as an I/O psychologist and as a new business owner.
M.A.: How did you first become interested in I/O psychology?
S.M.: My goal when I first started my undergraduate degree was to get my MBA because I knew I was going to start my own business at some point. At the same time, I was interested in psychology as a field. A good friend of mine introduced me to someone who was in the I/O program. I didn’t even know the field existed and probably speaks volumes about my early lack of focus on studying. I realized that I could get the best of both worlds—business and psychology.
M.A.: What challenges have you encountered in starting Strategic Management Decisions (SMD)?
S.M.: The first big challenge is marketing….constantly. We (Shane Douthitt and I) started SMD in January of 2009, so you have to keep in mind that to all of our potential customers—we didn’t exist the month before. So getting your name out there through as many channels as possible is critical. The marketing can’t stop just because you land a big project—you cannot let your sales pipeline dry up or you will be very bored and poor when that big project is finished. The second challenge is just starting the business. They don’t teach you all of things that are involved in starting a business in graduate school—picking a company name, picking a legal status (LLC, S-corp, C-corp), creating a logo, buying necessary materials etc. You have to do all of this quickly and with little formal training.
Especially early on in the process, you will see fluctuations in your take-home pay. An ability to adapt to change and a tolerance for ambiguity are critical to making it through the early stages of a new business. Having said all of this, I wish I would have started SMD a few years ago. It is a great feeling to be your own boss and take complete responsibility for your own successes and occasional failures. In spite of the challenges, it is a lot of fun and worth the effort.
M.A.: What do you perceive to be the key challenges facing business leaders today?
S.M.: Coming out of this economy, leaders are going to be very careful about hiring—they are going to be very tight with money and not looking to add back all of the staff that they laid off during the recession. The challenge will be trying to keep productivity levels high (i.e. keep staffing levels low) and not work high-performers to death so that they leave the organization. Turnover, in general, will likely spike as the economy turns, especially in companies that were ‘abusive’ to employees during the downturn.
Leaders also have the challenge of improving their hiring processes—with so many people looking for work, they can be more selective, but they need to so without discriminating. People who haven’t worked in a while and don’t have a lot of interviews lined up tend to be a bit more litigious than they normally might be. Merely conducting unstructured interviews will need to be done away with. Business leaders will continue to demand value from all functions—especially HR. Traditional HR processes are not difficult to outsource, so HR leaders need to step up and be better business partners and use measurement to show their value to the organization. If not, their jobs will be in jeopardy or at least their status within the organization will suffer. The silver lining is that I/O psychologists can help organizations with all of these challenges.
M.A.: So how can I/O Psychologists/Organizational Scientists best help business leaders to address their most pressing challenges?
S.M.: Organizational scientists can attack the challenges mentioned above very easily. We know how to build effective and legal selection systems, we know how to create high-potential development programs and career pathing strategies, we understand how to use statistical analysis to connect people data to business outcomes. These three skills are just a few of the things that we can do to tackle these challenges—amongst many other challenges that organizations face every day.
M.A.: Finally, what advice do you have for Ph.D. students in Org Science?
S.M.: The best advice I can give is first to take business classes with your electives, if you can, to round out your graduate degree. If you really want to be a great business partner, it will help to understand how businesses make money and how to read financial reports. That isn’t enough, though. You need to then be able to apply what you do so that you can have (and show) a measurable impact on business outcomes that actually matter.
Second, take the stats classes and try to get everything that you can out of them—your analytical abilities will be what separate you from the pack in your first job. You can learn a lot about HR processes via experience—but you can’t do this with statistical analytics. Take the classes, study the material and you will thank me soon. Finally, read all of the articles on the syllabus, for every class, no exceptions. The best students and most successful I/O psychologists (i.e. make the most money/got tenure the quickest) that went to my program at the University of Georgia were always 100% prepared for every class, read all the material and added the most to class discussions. Conscientiousness and the pure ability to execute/get things done will be the best trait you can bring to the table in whatever job you take.
To learn more about Dr. Mondore or the unique services offered by SMD, please visit You can also check out his book entitled, Investing in What Matters: Linking Employees to Business Outcomes.
Note: Dr. Mondore is currently teaching Micro Organizational Science II as an adjunct faculty member at UNC Charlotte.
January 2010,
Practitioner Spotlight
Let's Celebrate
There is plenty to celebrate in the Organizational Science program as we say goodbye to 2009. Let’s Celebrate-2009 is an opportunity to recognize all of the non-academic accomplishments our students made over the past year. Whether it was running a race or getting married, there is a lot to celebrate. Some of our accomplishments from 2009 include:
- Our editor-in-chief and third-year student, Ben Baran, and his wife, Lindsay, became the proud parents of Adelaide Ruth Baran on Feb. 21.
- Third-year student Brett Agypt tied the knot with his fiancée, Sarajane (pictured).
- He’s not the only one; Samantha Paustian, a second-year student, married her fiancé, Brian.
- Third-year student Adrian Goh also got married to his fiancée, Skylar.
- Second-year student Kate Frear married her fiancé, Robert.
- Heather Gordon, a fourth-year student, got engaged to her boyfriend, Michael, in 2009 while on vacation.
- Not to be outdone, third-year student Marisa Adelman said “Yes!” to her fiancé’s proposal.
- First-year student Greg Berka ran a half marathon in 2009.
- Fourth-year student Joe Allen will soon be a proud father (again) as he and his wife, Joy, have a baby on the way.
If you know of something of note that isn’t listed above, feel free to make a mention of it in the comment section below.
January 2010,
Student Life
Organizational Science Fall Colloquium Features Interdisciplinary Presentations
by Ashley AndrewOn Nov. 19, 2009, the Organizational Science (OS) program hosted its first Organizational Science Fall Colloquium. The program included research talks from several OS faculty members and OS student research assistants. The event offered a way for the organizational science community to come together and talk about the some of the exciting research projects currently underway. This year’s program included:
- Assessing Organizational Integrity in the Pharmaceutical Industry, presented by: Dr. Denis Arnold, Dr. Tammy Beck, and Samantha Paustian-Underdahl
- Work and Health under Market Transition: A Study of Psychological and Physical Wellbeing in Urban China, presented by: Dr. Yang Cao
- Willing and Able to Fake Emotions: A Closer Examination of the Link between Emotional Dissonance and Employee Well-Being, presented by: Dr. Doug Pugh
Judging from post-event feedback from faculty members and students alike, the event was a resounding success. Most of all, it provided an opportunity to showcase interdisciplinary research efforts while continuing to build and strengthen the inclusive, cohesive culture that characterizes OS at UNC Charlotte.
January 2010,
Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Cliff Scott
by Daniel Bonilla
Then the plane landed in Chicago. “When I got off the plane, I had 45 new messages about work,” said Dr. Scott. ”I realized that all of these messages were about something I didn’t care about.” He soon tendered his resignation and focused on what he really found interesting, his graduate studies at Northern Illinois University. He had transferred from DePaul University to study communication and earn his master’s degree. Tile and flooring were just not as interesting, no matter the perks.
After receiving his master’s degree, Dr. Scott was accepted to the doctoral program in human communication at Arizona State University. There he worked relentlessly—studying for classes, conducting research, teaching three classes, and directing the department’s internship program. After completing his studies in 2005, he came to UNC Charlotte as a faculty member in the Communication Studies department. In the fall of 2006, Dr. Scott worked with and taught the very first cohort of Organizational Science doctoral students. “The Organizational Science program is the most rewarding part of my job” he said.
According to Dr. Scott, he was a “full blown speech dork” and attended Bradley University as an undergraduate on a speech scholarship. He started studying political science but eventually moved to communication. “Communication just seemed a lot more relevant to what I was learning about.” It wasn’t until his dissertation work at Arizona State that Dr. Scott became interested in risk communication and hazard sensemaking, his current research interests.
Facts about Cliff Scott:
- He used to have a fully stocked snack drawer with Little Debbie’s, Zebra Cakes, and Nutty Bars. “I was deprived of individually wrapped snacks as a child.” he said.
- His wife, Jill Dineen, is the lead singer of a local blues band.
- He and Jill have two dogs, Ben and Molly, and a cat named Grace.
- His great aunt and uncle were missionaries in Africa when he was growing up. He spent four and half months in Nigeria with them when he was in the 8th grade.
- His father was a professor.
- He does minor car repair and used to flip cars for money on Ebay.
- He has always loved politics. “I watched the news at 6 a.m. when I was in grade school.”
- He loves to drink dirty martinis.
Faculty Spotlight,
January 2010
OSCR Continues to be a Success
by Ashley AndrewThe Organizational Science Consulting and Research (OSCR) was created in 2006, just before the arrival of the first class of the Organizational Science program. According to Dr. Steven Rogelberg, who directs OSCR as well as the Organizational Science program, three goals shaped the OSCR design. The first goal was to provide students with opportunities to gain applied experiences. Second, the unit aimed to provide a way to positively affect the community. Finally, OSCR sought to generate additional funding to support faculty summer funding, student assistantships, and student travel to national conferences.
Since its creation, the consulting and research unit has been actively engaged in the community, supporting at least two projects simultaneously over the past four years. OSCR has consulted with companies such as the Humane Society of the United States, ADP, Lowe’s, Bank of America, and Piedmont Natural Gas to name a few. According to Rogelberg, the biggest surprise has been the amount of internal business OSCR has garnered from the university. “That was really unanticipated, but we see it as a sign of respect for our program that they really utilize us as an internal consultant,” he said.
OSCR provides a forum for outreach projects as well. Currently, the unit is the mechanism for the Shelter Diagnostic System, in which faculty members and students provide organizational consultation to about 30 animal shelters. Additionally, OSCR is involved with the Volunteer Program Assessment, a free outreach program for nonprofit organizations. As Rogelberg pointed out, though corporate business may fluctuate, outreach does not have to follow that same pattern.
For students, the experience is highly valuable. Marla Boughton, a fourth-year OS student who has participated in two OSCR projects adds, “OSCR is a great way to transfer what we have learned in the classroom into an applied setting. It’s also the best way to see what the world of consulting is like and gain experience for the future.”
Boughton is not alone in her participation with OSCR. Currently, each of the third- and fourth-year students in the OS program have participated in at least one OSCR project, while many of the first- and second-year students are gaining experience as well. As Rogelberg discussed, the OSCR experience is relevant for students with both applied and academic aspirations. “No matter what career path you want to pursue, it makes sense to have one meaningful applied experience in your graduate career.” So far, the students have taken his advice to heart and have added applied consulting experience to their repertoire.
As for the future, Rogelberg sees OSCR continuing to provide the same benefits to the program. While the unit has succeeded in generating funding and giving students experience while improving the community, the desire isn’t necessarily to grow. Ideally, he says, at any one time we would have one or two outreach projects along with one corporate and one internal project. “We want to keep it as a controllable entity where we have enough faculty support and where it doesn’t impact the degree progress of our students.”
Consulting Unit,
January 2010
Upcoming Events of Note
by Ben BaranThe following lists upcoming events of note for Organizational Science faculty, staff, and students that were submitted as requested to newsletter staff. A request will be sent via e-mail later in the semester for input regarding the event listing for the newsletter’s next issue.
The complete UNC Charlotte Academic Calendar—with important dates regarding classes, holidays, exams, and more for the next five years—is available online.
9: Current Topics: This session will feature “Insights into the Academic Hiring Process,” which is designed to familiarize students with the academic hiring processes across disciplines within organizational science, and is set for 12:30 to 1:45 p.m., in the Colvard Building, Room 4068. All faculty members are welcome to attend; however, their attendance is not required unless they are among those who have been invited to serve as panelists.
11: The Charlotte Chapter of the International Society for Performance Improvement will host Allison Rossett, Ph.D., for a program titled “First Things Fast: Analysis as the Basis for Performance Improvement.” The program will kick off at 5:30 p.m. on campus at UNC Charlotte. Details and registration are online.
19: The spring meeting of the North Carolina Industrial/Organizational Psychologists (NCIOP) is set to take place in Raleigh, N.C. Tammy Allen, Ph.D., from the University of South Florida will be one of the speakers. More information will be forthcoming from NCIOP leadership.
23: Student Meeting with Dr. Steven Rogelberg, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Colvard Building, Graduate Lounge.
26: The Department of Sociology will host guest speaker Jason Beckfield from Harvard University, who will speak on “Regionalization and Retrenchment: The Impact of European Integration on the Welfare State.” The talk is tentatively scheduled to begin at noon; check with members of the department for details.
1: The Organizational Science Advisory Board will meet at 10 a.m. in the Colvard Building, Room 4063. All advisory board members should attend; guests are welcome.
2: Current Topics: This session will feature “Making the Business Translation” and is set for 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. in the Colvard Building, Room 4068. A practitioner will participate in a discussion about a practical problem the organization is facing, and participants are invited to offer feedback.
22: Organizational Science faculty meeting. All organizational science faculty members and interested organizational science affiliates are invited to attend. The meeting is set for 10 a.m. in the Department of Sociology’s conference room, located on the fourth floor of the Fretwell Building.
26: The Department of Sociology will host guest speaker Willie Jasso from New York University. The talk is tentatively scheduled to begin at noon; check with members of the department for details.
TBD: Current Topics: This session will feature student research presentations. The exact date and time are to be determined. Students will use this opportunity to gather feedback and to practice for upcoming presentations at conferences. This session will likely coincide with recruitment weekend, to facilitate including prospective students.
5: The Organizational Science Advisory Board will meet at 10 a.m. in the Colvard Building, Room 4063. All advisory board members should attend; guests are welcome.
6: Student Meeting with Dr. Steven Rogelberg, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Colvard Building, Graduate Lounge.
9: The Department of Sociology will host guest speaker Ronald Rindfuss from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The talk is tentatively scheduled to begin at noon; check with members of the department for details.
13: Current Topics: This session will feature “The Last Slide,” a commemorative session during with fourth-year students present their “last slide,” or one slide highlighting their most significant learning and achievements during graduate school. The session is set for 12:30-1:45 p.m. in the Colvard Building, Room 4068. Additionally, visiting scholars from Switzerland will be on campus for an informal discussion about organizational science doctoral education in Europe. More details will be forthcoming.
22 or 23: Sarah Tracy, an organizational communication scholar from Arizona State University, will be on campus for a talk about her research, which includes work-life balance, emotional labor, and employee emotional abuse. More information about Tracy is online.
30: The Department of Sociology will host guest speaker Saylor Breckenridge from Wake Forest University. The talk is tentatively scheduled to begin at noon; check with members of the department for details.
3: Organizational Science faculty meeting. All organizational science faculty members, interested organizational science affiliates, and a graduate student representative are invited to attend. The meeting is set for 10 a.m. in the Department of Sociology’s conference room, located on the fourth floor of the Fretwell Building.
4: Student Meeting with Dr. Steven Rogelberg, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Colvard Building, Graduate Lounge.
15: Commencement
Annual Meetings and Associated Deadlines
A number of conferences within the organizational-science domain occur or have proposal deadlines during the first half of the calendar year. Some of the organizations listed below do not have specific information regarding proposals posted on their Web sites, so be sure to check those sites frequently for the latest information.
17: National Communication Association annual conference proposals due (watch for forthcoming details here).
20: UNC Charlotte Graduate Research Across the Disciplines fair, Charlotte, N.C.
8-10: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology annual conference, Atlanta, Ga. (details).
10: Southern Management Association annual conference proposals due (watch for forthcoming details here).
21-25: Southern Sociological Society annual conference, Atlanta, Ga. (details)
22-26: International Communication Association annual conference, Singapore (details).
6-10: Academy of Management conference, Montréal, Canada. (details)
14-17: American Sociological Association conference, Atlanta, Ga. (details)
27-30: Southern Management Association conference, St. Pete Beach, Fla.
14-17: National Communication Association conference, San Francisco, Calif.
January 2010,
Upcoming Events
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